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Introduction to CS with Makey Makey and Scratch

Banana pianos are fun, but customized inventions are even better! In this webinar, you will learn how to challenge students to code custom Scratch projects for their Makey Makey invention kits. Use Scratch to create and code sprites, learn coding tools to make custom animations, and use logic to make games smart!

As a creative, Colleen creates teacher-driven content for the Makey Makey team and beyond! With 15 years of experience in education and a lifetime experience as a maker, she still believes the world is her classroom and that maker education is transformative for students and teachers alike! Colleen is currently the Director of Content, Curriculum, and Community at Makey Makey. 

pi-top[4] Foundation Electronics Kit

Second video in the series ... using pi-top[4] and Python programming to activate sensors and components in the Foundation Electronics Kit.

Getting the School Year Started - Coding in K-8 with Wonder Workshop

In this webinar (part one in a series), you will learn about the importance of computer science for K-8 students, as well as some practical examples on how you can get started this school year as a classroom teacher, a library/media specialist, and even a school administrator. Join Bryan L. Miller, Senior Director of Global Strategic Outreach at Wonder Workshop, creators of the Dash, Dot, and Cue robots, as he takes you through ways to get computer science going at your school or district. Bryan is an international keynote presenter and speaker in the areas of computer science, robotics, maker spaces, play, and edtech toys. He has worked with thousands of educators across the world in learning about the importance of computer science and integrating it into the curriculum. The fun doesn’t stop there, as this will be a series of continued webinars covering other topics in Coding in K-8 with Wonder Workshop. 

Part 3 - Learning Python with pi-top: Conditionals & Loops

Why did the turtle cross the road? Well, probably to attend our Python session… but what’s more important is HOW the turtle gets to the other side of the road. Session three of Learning Python with the pi-top is all about control flow. We’ll show you how to use a classic computer programming application called Turtle Art (hint: it comes pre-installed on your pi-top). Join us to gather resources for teaching control flow with the pi-top that includes turtles and so much more! 

Going Further with Scratch

Did you watch our Intro to Scratch course? Did it leave you wanting more? Or maybe your already using Scratch in your classroom and you want to take it to the next level. Whatever the case this course will help you get there! Join us as we explore more of the scripts that Scratch has to offer and create more complex code!