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Creating Virtual Calming Rooms with Wakelet

Wakelet is the perfect tool for organizing content for personal and student use. In this session, we’ll explore how to use Wakelet to create your own virtual calming room that students can access with ease. Join us to learn how to add resources for meditation, mindfulness, inspiration, and so much more to your Wakelet collection. We will also discuss how a digital calming space can be a powerful resource for students, teachers, and families.

Integrating SEL into Physical Education

How can we provide students with social-emotional learning opportunities across subject areas? In this session, we will explore the value of SEL and the importance of confidence boosting, teamwork, and relationship-building in the PE classroom. We will also discuss how you can take lessons that you already have and easily add SEL components. Finally, we will share best practices and detailed activity ideas to strengthen the mind-body connection. Join us to get your mind muscles moving!

Addressing SEL Through Bulletin Boards

Bulletin boards can be powerful, eye-catching tools that communicate information and celebrate student learning. Have you ever thought about using them to help support students' social-emotional needs? Join us as we discover unique bulletin board ideas and best practices for creating boards that promote SEL, inclusiveness, and make a positive impact.

Using Nearpod for Brain Breaks

As educators, we know the value of brain breaks. They allow our students to recharge and get moving. Nearpod adds interactivity to our instruction and provides students with meaningful and engaging tools to keep them motivated. Join us as we discuss tools such as VR field trips, polling, collaboration features, and more for effective brain breaks.

Self-Assessment and Monitoring Confidence Levels Using Nearpod

Nearpod is a powerful tool for engaging your students in learning. Join us to discuss the benefits of using Nearpod for self-expression. We'll explore quick self-assessments and self-monitoring activities, discuss how to add assessment and critical thinking opportunities into our lessons, and walk you through the steps for including polling and open-ended questions to get students to reflect on the learning process.

Creating Digital Time Capsules for Social-Emotional Learning

Digital time capsules are a creative way to engage our students in social-emotional learning. In this session, we will learn about a unique method for journaling as well as  the benefits of writing on a digital platform. We will also explore multiple methods for creating time capsules as well as reflecting on the value of creating personal artifacts!