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Simple Steps for Cleaning Up Your Google Files

As many teachers reach the end of the school year, preparing for the next year is probably one of the last things on your mind. However, taking a few simple steps before you leave your classroom for the summer to get a head start will make your life much easier come next school year. In this session, we will walk through some simple steps to clean up your files in Google Drive to free up space and get organized, so you are ready to hit the ground running after a much-deserved summer break!

Skill Building with Brain Breaks

Who said brain breaks can't be educational? Join us as we show you fun ways to help students review learning in exciting ways - all while giving students a quick pause on their traditional lessons.

Including Inquiry-Based Learning Into Your Classroom

Sometimes you just need to shake things up in the classroom! Engagement can be a struggle, especially right before or right after long school breaks. Join us for this course where we will look at the benefits of incorporating inquiry-based learning into your classroom practice. Whether it is in a stand-alone project or incorporating the tenants of inquiry into your already existing curriculum, this course will give you the "why" behind inquiry-driven learning as well as activities, lessons, and ideas you can use right away!

The 4 Effective Ways to Re-Engage Students After a Holiday Break

Winter and holiday breaks are just around the corner, and while they are a time to relax and recharge, it can also be a time when your students seem to end up "forgetting" everything they've learned up to that point. Join us for this session where we will learn some strategies and concepts with four surefire ways to get your students quickly re-engaged in school and back on track to begin the second half of the school year!

Using Google Workspace in the Secondary Social Studies Classroom

Students at the secondary level (grades 9-12) are expected to be able to combine and utilize the many skills that they have acquired throughout their schooling years to work independently or collaboratively on projects such as writing research papers, engaging in current events, giving presentations, etc. Join us for this course to learn how using all of the functions available in Google Workspace is a great way to create and present engaging and meaningful projects in the social studies classroom.